
Welcome to Nursery!

At Redhill, we are committed to creating imaginative, inquisitive and independent learners, who are ready for school and life-long learning.

In our school Nursery, we use play-based activities to help children to explore, investigate, test and expand their knowledge of the world. Adults endeavour to provide challenging and interesting learning opportunities in a safe and caring environment.

Our Curriculum

In Nursery, children will develop their early skills by exploring the following top layer learning themes. Using these learning themes as a guide, practitioners will plan learning opportunities to develop essential knowledge, skills and vocabulary needed in order for children to be ready for their next steps in learning. However, each year, we aim to personalise and tailor our curriculum to offer experiences that capture our children’s imagination and instil a love of learning (digging deeper).

Have a look around our Nursery room

Top Layer Learning Themes

We aim to:

· Create a love of reading and storytelling using high quality stories , traditional tales and multi-cultural stories. We want to expand children’s knowledge and vocabulary. We will use stories as a base to explore a wide range of themes and dig deeper into children’s learning needs and interests

· Discover nursery rhymes, review favourite songs and enjoy performing.

· Develop early listening and phonics skills by having fun with rhymes, rhythms and sounds in the environment.

· Learn about our emotions and begin to learn ways to manage these feelings.

· Learn about the routines and behaviour expectations of our school and classroom.

· Explore special times in our lives and begin to find out about how these events are celebrated in different cultures.

Nursery's Top 10 Books & Rhymes

We aim to:

· Learn about familiar people who help us in school, at home and in our community.

· Learn about occupations and different ways of life exploring how these are similar and different.

· Observe and notice change in the environment and learn how humans, animals and environments grow and change over time

· Learn about keeping ourselves healthy and safe so that we can maintain good physical and mental health.

We aim to:

· Explore different forms of transport and technology in our daily lives.

· Explore more stories, poems and songs from a range of cultures.

· Celebrate diversity, learning about how different people and communities live their lives

· Explore new worlds and cultures through music, art, dance and imaginative play.

How we learn in Nursery…

In partnership with parents, we are dedicated to ensuring all children develop their basic skills in spoken language, reading, writing and mathematics.

At Redhill, we work as a team to embed our school values, creating an ethos of Respect, Ambition and Resilience. Adults act as role models for children, helping them to develop good learning behaviours and remain safe. We feel that children’s ability to identify, express and regulate their own emotions is vital for their ability to achieve in later life. Using stories, songs and role play, we help children to build resilience, form positive relationships and develop their self-esteem.

In Nursery, we understand the importance of developing children’s communication and language skills, in order to create early readers and ensure they can access a broader curriculum. We prioritise talk, providing opportunities and time for children to have conversations and ask questions. Nursery children develop their attention and listening skills so that they can recognise, hear and say simple phonics sounds. We value sharing high quality texts with children. Adults champion reading and help children to develop a passion for stories and storytelling. We use a range of stories to widen children’s vocabulary and deepen their knowledge. Children will stories creatively using music, dance, art and imaginative role play.

Physical Development is key to children’s life-long learning. We particularly focus on helping children to develop physical strength, move with control and improve their gross and fine motor skills. This will ensure they are physically ready to write. We maintain high expectation and work tirelessly to help children to be independent learners, helping them to manage their own health, hygiene and well-being.

Practitioners carefully plan practical and purposeful activities to introduce and embed mathematical knowledge and skills. In Nursery, children are asked to practise counting and engage in problem solving in their play. This will help them to develop and embed basic number sense ensuring they are ready for more complex mathematical concepts in the future. They will explore shape and measure first-hand, through construction, cooking activities and sensory play. We support children to develop and embed basic maths knowledge and use progressive maths vocabulary by sharing number stories and songs.

We look forward to working closely with your family, as your child begins their journey on the road to Reception.

Nursery Road to Readiness 
Never Give Up
Love Learning
Equality & Fairness