
At Redhill, we aim to prepare our children for a rapidly changing technological world. Technology is everywhere and will play a pivotal part in student’s lives. Therefore we want to model and educate pupils on how to use technology positively, responsibly and safely through our computing lessons which meet the National Curriculum guidelines and through our wider curriculum. In this stand-alone subject, we aim for our students to become creators as well as consumers in the technological world, forming close bonds with science, mathematics and design and technology within our curriculum. Through the use of Purple Mash, our curriculum encompasses computer science, information technology and digital literacy. Our knowledge rich curriculum is balanced with the opportunity for pupils to apply their knowledge creatively and develop their skills.  Our choice of Purple Mash was guided by the needs of our pupils for a comprehensive, inclusive and accessible programme that allows children to learn from both school and home with work saved online.  We greatly value the use of technology in a safe and respectful manner. Therefore we are working closely with National Online Safety (NOS) to ensure our children and community understand the wonders, but also the dangers of the technological world. After our first year of using the NOS resources, we achieved their accreditation and became certified NOS School. We educate both our children and our community around technology/social media as we recognise that this is the best way to prevent misuse.


We implement our vision for computing through two curriculum components, Purple Mash and National Online Safety (NOS).
The Purple Mash Computing Scheme of Work is a comprehensive resource aligned to the National Curriculum and EYFS Framework. The learning for each year group is broken into units covering three main components:

Digital Literacy,

Computer Science and

IT in the world.

Within the units are opportunities for all abilities with varying levels of support from extending learning through open ended application of skills or supporting children through structured activities. It exposes pupils to a wide variety of skills, experiences and poignant real-life scenarios allowing skills to be learnt during structured tutorials, then mastered and applied in open ended scenarios.
Alongside Purple Mash, we follow the NOS Online Safety scheme. The interactive and engaging framework focuses specifically on the following aspects of online education for each key stage:
• Self-image and identity
• Online relationships
• Online reputation
• Online bullying
• Managing online information
• Health, wellbeing and lifestyle
• Privacy and security
• Copyright and ownership
• Relationship Education

Our lessons include interactive videos, activities and home learning suggestions for children to take part in. This allows us to implement an effective and engaging approach to online safety while meeting our safeguarding duties as outlined in the KCSIE September 2020 guidance. For the staff and community, the NOS has a website and an app which include webinars and CPD updated monthly with the latest information to ensure all staff and parents are aware of the recent developments and dangers to children online.


After the implementation of our computing curriculum, children at Redhill will be proficient in their use of technology and able to join the rest of the world on its digital platform.  They will be equipped, not only with the skills and knowledge to use technology effectively for the benefit of themselves and others, but more importantly – safely.  The children will be creators as well as consumers of digital content. Our children will understand the consequences of using the internet with awareness of how to keep themselves safe online but still keep a buzz for the use of technology with the understanding of the huge positive impact it can make to people’s lives.

Never Give Up
Love Learning
Equality & Fairness