Year 1


A warm welcome to Year 1

At Redhill, we aim to build on the knowledge and skills that children have developed in the Early Years Foundations Stage. We understand the importance of a good transition into year 1. We continue to nurture children's love of learning by providing opportunities to explore language rich books, try a range of practical activities and experience outdoor learning.

Reading is a focus in Year 1. During the year, we support child's reading and phonics development using our systematic phonics programme Read Write Inc. We also play phonics games and spend time reading with children in small groups and individually. We continue to develop a love of reading by listening to and exploring stories as a class. At the end of the year, children's phonics skills are assessed when they take part in a phonics screening assessment.


Supporting your child

Children are introduced to grammar and spelling rules. They are taught to use a larger range of punctuation. Children learn to apply this Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPAG) knowledge in their own reading and writing. They explore a range of different text genres including poetry, recounts, and non-chronological reports.


To support your child's reading development, they will have regular opportunities to read to an adult in school. We will provide reading books to take home, which are matched to your child's reading level. It is expected that children spend at least 10 minutes each day reading to an adult at home.


Your child can continue to build their phonics knowledge at home. Children can access fun and engaging phonics games, using the online learning site, Phonics Play. Children are encouraged to spend 10 minutes each day, reviewing their phonics skills. The games available, help children to identify sounds, enabling them to decode with more speed and accuracy.



In year 1, children explore numbers to 100. We build on our knowledge of counting and place value. Children begin using practical and pictorial methods such as tens frames, part part whole models and bar models to solve a range of calculations.  

We use the 1 Minute Maths app in class which is free to use at home. It helps children build greater number confidence and fluency. It’s all about targeted practice in engaging, one-minute chunks!

1 minute maths app

History - Cycle A


History - Cycle B


Geography- Cycle A


Geography- Cycle B




Physical Education

Religious Education

In Year 1 we focus on Christianity and Judaism to delve a little deeper into these two religions. We begin to look at how the moral teaching of the religions shape beliefs and opinions of Christians and Jewish people.

As a result, the children are beginning to understand these religious views and respectfully discuss them. We explore how the Christian religion have helped shape some of the British traditions such as Christmas and Easter.

Never Give Up
Love Learning
Equality & Fairness